I Thought She’d Love Me More If I Loved Her Harder

2 min readSep 8, 2024


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I used to believe that if I loved her harder, she’d eventually love me more. I threw myself into our relationship with everything I had, thinking that my constant attention and affection would make her feel the same way I did. But I was wrong, and the truth hit me harder than I expected.

I showered her with gifts, planned elaborate dates, and constantly reassured her of my feelings. I thought that if I could just be perfect, if I could just show her how much I cared, she’d eventually reciprocate my love. I didn’t realize that in my effort to give more, I was actually losing sight of what really mattered.

The twist came when she told me that my constant efforts were overwhelming. She appreciated my love but felt pressured by it. She needed space to figure out her own feelings, but instead, I was smothering her with mine. My intention to make her love me more had actually pushed her away.

It was a painful realization. I had been so focused on giving more that I hadn’t stopped to listen or understand her needs. I had mistaken my intense love for a solution to our relationship issues, but it was clear that what we needed was a genuine connection, not just an abundance of gestures.

The real twist was discovering that the love I was seeking wasn’t something I could manufacture through effort alone. I needed to find balance, to respect her space, and to build a relationship based on mutual understanding rather than just my own intense feelings.

In the end, I learned that love isn’t about how much I can give, but about how well we connect and understand each other. Sometimes, the best way to show love is to listen and respect boundaries, not just to pour out more affection. I realized that genuine love grows from mutual respect and true connection, not from trying to force someone to love me more.

