You Are Not Hard to Love

2 min readSep 11, 2024


After a meeting with a friend, she confessed something that stayed with me. “I feel like I’m hard to love,” she said, with a heaviness in her voice. It hit me — how many of us feel this way but never say it out loud?

The truth is, feeling hard to love often stems from our own insecurities, not from who we are. We think our flaws, mistakes, or emotional walls make us unworthy of the love we crave. But being loved doesn’t mean being perfect — it means being seen, accepted, and cared for, just as we are.

You are not hard to love. Love is not a test to pass, nor a burden you create. The right people will love you not despite your flaws, but because you’re real, because you’re you.

Photo by Mattia on Unsplash

We are often our own harshest critics, believing that our imperfections make us unlovable. But love is not about being easy or perfect; it’s about connection, growth, and showing up. And the fact that you show up is enough.

So, the next time you feel that you are hard to love, remember this: The love you deserve is out there, waiting to find you exactly as you are. You are enough, and you are worthy of all the love you feel you’re chasing.

